reactions& story chain


I'm going to  dictate  eight  pairs  of short  sentences. Write  them down , leaving  a space  after  each pair.

1-  She reads the  letter. She throws  it in the bin.
2- The shark appears . They panic.
3- He looks  in the cupboard .He sees a mouse.
4-The mouse  sees him . It runs away.
5- The bell rings. They run out into  the playground.
6- They  try  me curry.Everyone starts  choking.
7- The rain  stops.  We go out to play  frisbee.
8- I get  home . I switch  on the radio.

         Join  each pair of sentences  to make  one sentence  in the past , beginning  with   when , e.g.
When  she heard  the baby cry, she went to feed him.

        On your own ,  write a few  pairs of sentences  about things you have done  in the last  few  days.  Swap  your  pairs of sentences  with a partner . Join  the ones  you receive  in the  same way  and pass  them back.

story  chain

Take  turns to  repeat  what happened  yesterday , and add  something  new ,  including  a verb .
If you  forget  the sequence  ,  you are  out of the game  , eg:

T-   Yesterday  I found  a  € 7 note in my pocket.
A-  Yesterday  I found  a  € 7 note in my pocket and  I bought a sandwich
B-  Yesterday  I found  a  € 7 note in my pocket  and I bought a sandwich . I ate it.
C-  Yesterday  I found  a  € 7 note in my pocket  and I bought  a sandwich . I  ate it  and then  I caught a train to oxford.

(Restart  the activity  when  the sequence  gets too  long.) 

Variation : Restrict  the activity  to irregular  verbs. For  higher  levels, ask  students  to choose  their  verbs  before  the game  begins.


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